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Taratachatte 635
Date de l'article : mardi 12 novembre 2024
Playlist Taratachatte 635 (7ème saison 16) :
Mad Sin- Indestructible Man (2:41) / It Bites (1:57) / Moonlight Shadows (2:33) / Mad Man Rock (1:44)
Prophet Margin- Fisher-Price The Industrial Estate (2:29) / Government Man (3:19) / Prophet Margin (2:02)
Punk All Stars-We are the World (USA for Africa cover) (2:42)
Saw Loser- Fly me to the Moon (Sinatra cover) (2:42)
Alien Ant Farm- Smooth Criminal (3:29)
La Pigñata- On est pas obligés d’être potes (2:12) / Décevant (2:48)
Le Reparateur- Du vomi sur les mains (2:42) / Homme Femme (2:17)
ANARKOTIZADOS- Santa Muerte (3:19) / Gracias Bolivia (2:27) / Todo es Mierda (2:49)
Peter and the Test Tube Babies- My unlucky day (2:39) / The Queen gives good blow jobs (1:12) / Moped lads (1:52) / Banned from the pubs (2:27) / Yakety Sax/March Of The Gladiators (1:11)
Squelette - Deux minutes de haine (1:57) / Fin de partie (2:29) / Trop tard (2:01) / Le vrai ennemi (2:24)
Inepsy- Germ warfare (2:18) / It’s a time bomb (3:09) / Hammer hearth (3:08) / The reaper watches the game (2:46)
Screeching Weasel- Kamala’s Too Nice (1:26)
Les Tazons- Fuck america on the beach (3:03)
John the Baker and the Malnourished- Fuck the Fascist USA (1:43)
SWELLBELLYS- Fuck the USA (1:18)
Ultra Vomit- Pauv’ connard (Live) (1:44)
Melmor- Gouvernés par des porcs (3:44) / Disuj + Dispac’h Ar Yaouankiz (Monta’In Rock 13/7/24 filmé par Narol) (8:13)
Shutdwn- Cold (2:43) / Dark (2:41) / Hope (2:49)
Poesie Zero- Saint-Hubert (2:16)
Flogging Molly- Saints Sinners (3:31)
The Daltonz- Place Saint Sauveur (3:23)
Third Moon- Bleed your god (7:19) / Suicide spawn (3:34)
Tukatukas - Dance with the Devil (2:48) / Lâcher Prise (2:01) / Madness (2:16) / I Want (2:16) / Never Drunk (2:19) / No Master (2:12) / Born to Kill (1:50)