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Taratachatte 198

17 mars 2013 18:37, par tenious
Playlist Taratachatte 198 : Big thanks to Philippe and Angélique from Ruchemania for hosting us !! KRUNA - Phoenix (5:08) EMPYRIOS - Domino (4:48) ONE(8)SEVEN - It’s A 187 (4:18) / Apathie (4:34) WHISKY & WEED - Man free at all (3:40) MY IMAGINARY LOVES - My Heart (And Hope To Die) (2:37) LES ANGES OLIVER - J’sais pas danser la salsa (2:30) VOMIT DISEASE - Sanity’s Entombment (5:10) ITSELF - Guess Who I am (5:13) CONTROL CHUBBY - Se Inunda Mi Ciudad (1:33) / Muere Tu Honor (1:19) VARLIN - erroristes (1:46) EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Human Error (1:36) GUERILLA POUBELLE - Errare (...)
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